Thursday 27 February 2014

Currently reading: Bet Me by Jennifer Cruise

I truly enjoy reading books, whether they be older works or ‘just published’ books, and especially when I am feeling very unwell like today (although, I haven’t been feeling well for the past four days – damn you, illness!). There is nothing better than snuggling up on the couch under a blanket and with a good book in your hand, letting the day pass by as you escape into one of the many worlds books can offer (… shopping is really amazing as well, though, I gotta admit that).

Currently I am reading Bet Me for the nth time because I need something light and humorous to brighten up my days… It is doing a wonderful job, I will let you know. Bet Me by Jennifer Cruise is most definitely on my list over favourite chick lit books. It is simply everything a good chick lit book should be – hilarious, sassy, interesting characters and a not too complicated plot. Simply nothing you need to think or contemplate seriously about once you close the book (or in my case, click the ‘home’ button on my Kindle)… it isn’t to suggest I don’t like deeper books where I have to really think, because I do (and that is what my study demands of me)! But I don’t always need that and sometimes I just want to be entertained. Bet Me entertains, and it entertains well.

Summary from
Minerva Dobbs knows that happily-ever-after is a fairy tale, especially with a man who asked her to dinner to win a bet. Even if he is gorgeous and successful Calvin Morrisey. Cal knows commitment is impossible, especially with a woman as cranky as Min Dobbs. Even if she does wear great shoes and keeps him on his toes. When they say good-bye at the end of their evening, they cut their losses and agree never to see each other again. But Fate has other plans, and it's not long before Min and Cal meet again. Soon, they're dealing with a jealous ex-boyfriend, Krispy Kreme donuts, a determined psychologist, chaos theory, a freakishly intelligent cat, Chicken Marsala, and more risky propositions than either of them ever dreamed of. Including the biggest gamble of all--true love.

If this sounds somewhat interesting for you, then I would definitely recommend this book… and I do believe the first chapter can be read on Jennifer Cruise’s website. So check that out!

Have you read any of Jennifer Cruise’s books? And what are you reading lately?

Until next time,

Monday 24 February 2014

Just In: NUXE’s Gentle Toning Lotion

Excuse the surrounding mess!
I was generously gifted with NUXE’s gentle toning lotion this Saturday by my mother’s colleague as she had received it with another product she had purchased and wouldn’t be using it as it simply wasn’t her kind of product. It was beyond kind and very generous of her to think of me, which I am very thankful for.

Admittedly, I am rather… careful about the products I use as a part of my skincare regiment as my skin is sensitive and slightly allergic, which is something I don’t wanna mess with. Recently I accidentally messed with it and had a really bad experience – I was waiting for my cream to be delivered from England and used one of Clinique’s instead… and while I could easily use Clinique’s skincare products with great pleasure a few years back, this time around it caused my skin to break out crazily after just one try. It has just gotten better now, thankfully. Sorry, skin! Please forgive me!

So at first I wasn’t too sure if I was actually going to use it as it obviously has perfume in it. Perfume is one of the biggest hazards to me in regards to skincare products. But as I was at my parents’ house I decided I could give it a try and if my skin reacted instantly (and that it will if a product is a no-no) I could simply hand it back. Surprisingly, my skin didn’t react towards it despite trying it twice and thus I decided to take it with me home to take it through a whole try out.

I will definitely do a proper review at a later time on this when I have tried it a bit more and noted how my skin feels towards it.

Have you tried NUXE’s Gentle Toning Lotion? Or any of their products?

Until next time,

Thursday 20 February 2014

Interior/Home Stuff: A Tiny Haul

My apartment is happy, I dare say.
As a common occurrence I didn’t have any intentions of spending money on anything new for my apartment, but it just kinda happened… whoops? It is the curse of being a girl, I swear!

… Oh sod it, I love everything.

My old placemats (table/dinner mats if you want) from Södahl were getting a quite dirty due to the felt texture of them, where I can’t get stains off them. I have loved them dearly for almost four years, but all good things must come to an end as dirty placemats aren’t that charming to show that in front of guests. Instead, I ended up buying four new ones from the local super market. Cork may seem really boring and perhaps a bit old fashion, I will even confess my parents have owned their cork trivets for as all as I can remember, but I see the material as retro… and I do like squares.

The sign “age doesn’t matter when you have got style” is by the Danish company Ib Laursen who makes so many pretty and cute things. I desperately want to fill my kitchen with everything they make, but unfortunately I can’t afford all that. So for the time being I settled with the sign as I couldn’t leave it and found it amusing (and true). It has found its place with the pictures I have on the wall… and I shall smile from time to time.

And lastly, the star decoration… I am a big sucker for stars, so it had to leave with me. There was no other option, really. I like that it is very neutral with its wooden beads, making it fit into many apartments, and yet unique with its form. Unfortunately, I don’t know what company it is from; I thought it was Ib Laursen, but I can’t find it in their catalogue for 2014. However, it can be created as a diy thing without much effort… wooden beads, hobby wire and a sting is all you really need.

What has the last thing you bought for your apartment? Or do you have your eyes set on something?

Until next time,
Mia ♥

Monday 17 February 2014

Review: Avene Soothing Moisture Mask

I shall make a confession from the beginning: I hadn’t planned to write (and publish) this kind of post today. Actually, I had something else planned, but as the postwoman delivered this I had to surrender. Please forgive me!

Anyways, I am a massive fan and user of Avène’s products as they honestly helped my skin from looking extremely dry and flaky to healthy and moist. If you don’t know the brand Avène, then I shall quote their own description from their website, “EAU THERMALE Avène is a unique French dermo-cosmetic brand dedicated to each level of skin sensitivity; from sensitive, intolerant to allergic.” That sounds like magic to my ears as I have very sensitive and slightly allergic skin, which makes it a bit difficult to find good and effective products. I like products that work instantly, where I can see improvement right away because I really don’t have the patience to give every product the benefit of the doubt. Avène products generally do that for me… and this one didn’t disappoint.

The other day I was looking through the samples I have received over time and found the Avene Soothing Moisture Mask sample (see above picture). I didn’t think much of it, but nevertheless thought I would give this a try – I need to clear through my samples at some point. I found the application instructions online, which are as following, “Apply the Soothing Moisture Mask in thick layers to the face and neck. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes then carefully remove the excess product with a cotton pad.” Easy enough to understand, right? I thought so too and did exactly that. Just 5 minutes(!) after my skin had absorbed it all. My skin suddenly looked moist and really healthy with a slight glow to it. That is what I call effective! It had apparently been in need after the ever-changing Danish weather and medication had done their damage.

As I really liked what the product had done for my skin (and quickly had used up the sample), I decided to purchase it in 50 ml myself.

You can normally buy this and Avène products in general at most Danish pharmacies. However, the price of 144,50 DKK (approx. 15 GBP) is just… well, your wallet won’t be too pleased with such a purchase, especially if you don’t have that much money to yourself. I don’t have a lot of money either, so instead I purchase it through the English website eChemist is so much cheaper and they often have offers on different products and brands. I bought mine on offer for 85 DKK (approx. 8.5 GBP), though 102 DKK (approx. 10.2 GBP) as listed today. The shipping is completely free unless you purchase for over 2 kg… And they ship worldwide, apparently! 

Have you tried the Soothing Moisture Mask? Or any of the other Avène products?

Until next time,
Mia ♥

Thursday 13 February 2014

DIY: The Diary Calender

The few steps... and the end result.
A few years ago I spotted this this post and was instantly loved the idea. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I suddenly remembered the DIY idea and decided to make it as a birthday present for one of my best friend, although with a few differences in terms of practicality and personalised. My friend is the type who has almost everything and is a creative soul as well, thus a more sentimental present seemed rather suiting. This diary calendar is definitely that in my opinion.

What you need to make this,
·         approx. 122 pieces of paper (I made for 9 years – one line by).
·         A scissor to cut the paper.
·         A pen or stamp to make the dates on the papers.
·         12 pictures, cards or postcards (one for each month; I have illustrated with far less mainly because I didn’t want to show private pictures).
·         A box (I choose one that had a timeless design) you can bring with you.
·         Patience and time.

Measurements and calculations,
·         9 lines per day (for 9 years), 27 lines per page, 3 days per page, 365 days a year / 3 days per page aka approx. 122 pieces of paper (perhaps a little more in case you make mistakes).
·         A paper day is 15cmx8cm (lengthxheight).
·         A picture is 13cmx10cm (lengthxheight).
·         The box is 17cmx11cmx5cm (lengthxwidthxdepth).

Step by step,
1.     Measure and mark your papers (you can buy linear paper, print paper with lines, draw lines, etc.).
2.     Cut the days to its proper size with a scissor.
3.     Take a pen or a stamp and mark each day with a date (remember February 29th!).
4.     Take 12 pictures, cards or postcards and place them as month dividers (I got 12 pictures developed, which doesn’t cost much nowadays).
5.     Place everything in the box.
6.     Wrap it up… and voila!

I shall wrap up the present in the best way I can and then hope my friend will like this present when I finally present it to her. At least I enjoyed making it and looking through old photos of us.

Do you think my friend will like this? And what is the latest DIY thing you have made?

Until next time,

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Seasonal Nail Polish Colour?

From left to right: Essie's 'good to go' top coat, Essie's 'all in one base' base coat and Essie's 'jazz'.
February and March are quite the difficult months in terms of seasonal appropriate nail polish colour; it isn’t quite spring, where bright and pastel colours are preferred, nor is it really winter anymore, where darker colours tend to rule. So, I suppose there is only one way to go… neutral! There is absolutely nothing wrong with neutral colour for your nails, I simply prefer a lighter blue or a shade of mint colours more.

Alas, I opted for the best neutral colour I have - Essie’s Jazz.

I realize not everyone is a fan of Essie due to various reasons, but the brand is the one I countlessly return to (is one of the best in my biased eyes) as there are qualities I can’t really find in other nail polish brands. Essie’s colour range is wide and the nail polish itself dries quickly; the latter matters the most in my eyes as I simply don’t possess the ability to remain patient for the whole drying process. They are rather pricey, admittedly (approx. 90 DKK/10 GBP in Denmark), which I find is the general downside to them and explains the reason for me not owning many. Damn it!

To ensure the colour will last the longest and look the prettiest on my nails, I use a base coat and a top coat (both of mine are from Essie… I am so Essie biased *pouts*). The top coat I can essentially forego, but definitely not the base coat. If you, like me, wear nail polish almost constantly without a base coat your nails can potentially turn slightly yellow… That isn’t that charming or flattering for your finger nails. The yellow nails happened to me, thus base coat is a must.

With this neutral colour on my nails I shall continue with the rest of my daily work and hope spring (and sunny weather) will come around soon.

What is your favourite nail polish colour for February and March? Do you have any recommendations for a good nail polish brand?

Until next time,

Sunday 9 February 2014

Sunday; Studying & February Weather

Reading, reading, reading... and of course, staying hydrated.

Sunday has never been a favourite weekday of mine, if only for the reason it is located right next to Monday and that can’t be considered that positive. I have never been on good terms with Mondays… oh no, far from. But nevertheless, Sunday is a well-deserved day off where things I have put off over the week can be managed and handled in whatever way I find suiting at a given time.

Today wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, but went right after the above description of my typical Sunday.

Despite the Danish weather looking rather sunny for the month of February, I regretfully couldn’t find time to actually take a walk around in it as there was quite the amount of university readings that had to be taken care off. Four courses of readings… You may imagine me sighing tiredly at that sentence. However, I have always preferred reading everything for my courses in weekends instead of during the week as that allows for less worrying and for daily unexpected adventures. What those daily unexpected adventures consist of besides grocery shopping I have absolutely no idea, but I like the sound of it… The life of a university student isn’t always exciting or interesting.

As I finally(!) finished reading for almost all my courses, the Danish weather proved its ‘loveliness’ by having opted for rain instead of sun. I honestly can’t say I am that surprised; so, instead of the lovely walk I had imagined I think I will find my way to the kitchen and then later for the couch as my current diy project is waiting on me. There might come a blog post on the diy project when I have completed it.

How has your Sunday been? Have you enjoyed the February weather or simply stayed inside with a good cup of tea?

Until next time,