Sunday 11 October 2015

Small Tip #5: Lemon

Have you tried many different products in the fight against your skin’s breakouts? And with none of them really making a difference compared to the money you spent on the actual product? My skin has had a tendency to flip out around my period, which I was tired off dealing with. Thus, I went back to the good old trick of water and lemon.

There are so many health benefits to drinking lemon and water – I won’t list them all because they are a simply google search away. But water is always good because you should hydrate your body, and the water in combination with lemon can give your health and skin a great boost. It is such a simple and cheap addition to your water.

You simply cut the lemon in half and then squeeze the lemon for its juices. Add the juice into your water and then… bottoms up! The taste is something to get used to, admittedly. After having done with for a week, I saw big improvements in my skin – the breakout wasn’t as bad and it took a shorter time for it to ‘bounce’ back.

Do you drink lemon and water?  

Until next time,
Mia ♥