Saturday 7 February 2015

Saturday: January Relaxation

January usually means stress with exams and reading, but if you are lucky you will some relaxation after the exams. I did have some relaxation after my exams at my parents’ house, where I simply enjoyed the break and played with my new camera.

Though I sneaked in a few university related preparation stuff in as well, most of my time have been spent on enjoying the company of my family, shopping, just relaxing and walking the dog. It doesn’t feel like I have done much, but I know that is the point of things. Sometimes you just need a break and really I had looked forward to this break. Time flies when you aren’t paying attention to it.

But for most of these things, I have waddled around in my leggings, a big sweater and a warm pair of socks, and with my hair up in a sloppy, messy bun. If I have felt extra fancy, I have put on mascara. On walks with the dog, I have borrowed my father’s winter coat and my mother’s rain boots as the weather hasn’t been the greatest. I can’t fit any of them, but walking around in too big stuff to avoid the rain is always a good idea.

Do you have done in January?

Until next time,
Mia ♥