Saturday 10 May 2014

Review: Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado

I mentioned this eye cream in my Just in: The Brussels Edition and therefore, I thought I would do a proper review as it really has worked well for my skin around my eyes and honestly would recommend it to others. Also, as previously mentioned I received two samples of Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado slightly random when I was in town, but decided nevertheless to try the samples as the area around my eyes seemed really dry. What harm could they possibly do? I imagined none harm at all since I had heard Kiehl’s was a good brand and, well, samples are meant to be used in my opinion, else you can just throw them out or give them to somebody else.

I hadn’t expected much when I started on the samples because I tend to get disappointed with products and their promises, which is sort of a neutral statement I suppose, but oh boy I was surprised. After only a few days, the skin around my eyes had changed from being really dry to hydrated, but also it started to look really nice (despite the occasional panda eyes I have upon waking up). That really surprised me and obviously pleased me to no end.
It looks kinda gross (after I accidentally dropped it)
Despite its questionable colour, the eye cream is really gentle and upon working with it, it starts changing from this creamy consistency to a slightly watery consistency that makes it easy to work with. Not that the watery consistency makes it run or anything, but simply easy to gently dub around my eyes and then the skin just absorbs it. Yum!

The only downside there is, is that the product is admittedly pricy. However, the amount you get is more than enough to last at least six months, I would guess. You use very little, so even though you use it every day it should last you a while. But, I am looking around the internet to see if I can find it somewhere cheaper as there is nothing wrong with saving money on products you know are good.

How do you find Kiehl’s products? What is your favourite eye cream?

Until next time,
Mia ♥ 

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