Friday 16 May 2014

Goodbye Hair!

Well, not completely goodbye to all my hair, but simply a goodbye to a huge amount of my hair that I had grown completely tired off. Extremely, extremely tired off… Sick off.

After reaching my goal of having long hair, it didn’t take long for my hair to pass that stage and enter the stage of being far too long for my liking. It became more and more impossible to work with – e.g. it was difficult to brush through after washing it despite using conditioner, it took ages to blow-dry, it was always styled in a high ponytail or a messy bun – and it has become quite heavy due to my father’s genes of having extremely thick hair. My hairdresser fondly calls it weed. The heavy hair also gave me quite some serious headaches even from the morning.

Many of my friends and some of my family think my hair is really beautiful in general, which they frequently mention to me. Thus, they couldn’t quite believe my intentions of wanting to cutting it off, even just the slightest bit and surely I would come to regret it immediately afterwards. Me, well, I don’t have the biggest attachment to my hair; I mean, it grows out again if I would regret a haircut and I love experimenting with my hair, e.g. before I started high school I got bangs, before I started at uni I cut my hair up to my ears and one day during 9th grade I tried to bleach my hair (it didn’t actually do anything to my hair). I really could go on.

My hairdresser continuously went, “can I cut this much off?” and I continuously answer, “go for it!”. In the end 30-40 cm were cut off… and let me tell you something, I don’t regret it at all and I beyond love it.

When was the last time you cut your hair? Is there something you would like to do to your hair?

Until next time,
Mia ♥ 

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