Wednesday 1 July 2015

Life: An End & A Start

The last couple of weeks have been incredibly busy, even to the point where I am not sure whether I have actually caught up or am still in the loop. Hopefully, I have caught up else I will be very worried about my stress levels. Ain't nobody got time for stress during the summer holidays! 

The end came after my exams as I received my degree. Finally, I can call myself Bachelor of Arts! It has been a long time coming as I have struggled and fought for this for four years, along with a stubborn and tiring auto-immune disease. Those don't mix well together. However, I can truly say it has been worth the struggle as I have learned so much and gotten so many different perspectives on events, topics and litterature. Knowledge is priceless. It is with that thought that I am also very grateful for the Danish education system; education is free in Denmark. Without the lack of pricetag I wouldn't have been able to take such an education and be the first in my father's family to complete a Bachelor degree. So, I am very happy and thankful.

After the summer holidays I will start another chapter in my life, though there isn't a difference in location. I will still be at the university, but working towards getting a Master of Arts degree in the same subjects. I want to teach "young adults"/teenagers, so a master degree is a must. Apparently. It will definitely also be a struggle and a fight, but I am very determined and with some hope it will be easier (disease wise) to reach this goal. I am looking very forward to learning more.

For now though, I am to enjoy my summer holidays fully and completely. I haven't really had a holiday since... Easter last year, I believe? It is definitely way over due and I wanna sleep late, relax, do nothing, be bored and just breathe. 

Until next time,
Mia ♥ 

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