Saturday 17 January 2015

5 Different Lip Balms

Yes, I do keep my lip balms in a sugar bowl.
Finding a good lip balm is a bit of science because of the many demands one have to one; it must have practical packaging, not too expensive, make your lips soft, repair your dry lips, etc.. I have collected five of my lip balms for a little overview and judged them based on their ability as well as their price.

The lip balms have been put in order from worst to best in the first picutre and later on in the second picture, from cheapest to most expensive (note: from left to right). 

Labello is the classical lip balm to use, especially in Denmark, as it can be bought almost everywhere. It makes your lips really soft immeditately, but in the long run it honestly do nothing for your lips. If you have a sore, then don't expect it to help with that. I always have one in my jacket pocket as a quick fix until I find one of the others.
It is the second cheapest of the five. 

Avène is the pharmacy's recommendation... at least in my hometown. It honestly works really welll and helps those dry lips to become soft again. It is a cold cream, so it doesn't sink it as quickly as the others. Instead it works over a longer period of time. Personally, I don't mind that though I know my mother has a problem with that. I prefer to put it on for when I sleep and let it work overnight.
It is the second most expensive of the five (Danish pharmacy price).

Lypsyl is also one of the classics in Denmark, and the one my mother swears to. It does work very well, though doesn't make your lips immediately soft the way Labello does. However, it does work in the long run and will offer improvement to your lips if your lips are in an okay-semi decent state. If you have a sore, then I don't find it to work much. The packaging is its weakness as it quickly gets dirty and just doesn't seem so practical.
It is the cheapest of the five.

Kielh's is their own recommendation, though it isn't a surprise they recommend their own product. It is a very basic lip balm in a pot, which have the resemble vaseline though only in appearence. It is a decent lip balm that heals your lips unless you have a sore; a sore is a bit too hard a task for it. I have placed it below Lypsyl, and that is due to its price compared to its effect. It is just as good as Lypsyl. Some mind using a finger to get and apply a lip balm, but I don't mind at all.
It is the third cheapest of the five.

Sard Kopenhagen is another pharmacy recommendation, though can also be found in the Magasin department stores. It does every thing you want a lip balm to do - softens and heals the lips, but can also handle a sore really well. The packaging is very chic looking. Both are what you'd expect from an expensive lip balm, and it really doesn't disappoint in my opinion. I would gladly definitely recommend this to anybody.
It is the most expensive of the five.

Do you have many different lip balms? What is your favouirte lip balm? 

Until next time,
Mia ♥ 

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